BLACKFILM: s/t CD Spectraliquid

BLACKFILM: s/t CD Spectraliquid

This up and coming label certainly do have some surprises in store if this debut release from Blackfilm is anything to go by.  Beautifully packaged in a simple unobtrusive digipak with stunning artwork certainly whetted my appetite and there was more on store when I hit ‘play’, half expecting the usual IDM affair. I was in for a shock;  Blackfilm is a gloriously organic journey with a different slant on the emotional pulling of heart strings.  Let me explain.

This is not a wistful longing affair, it’s almost sinister in its approach, almost as if the emotions driven within this are sickly and unhealthy, riding with an almost murderous edge.  It’s definitely a dark affair that has the style and class of film noir, with deep resonating jazz edges, dripping with the decadence of times past.

Blackfilm encapsulates everything that should come form a new artist;  Toying the listener with a mass of modern day orchestral composition, driven with the blackest of background ambience that flitters between walking through barren cold landscapes and the warmth that greets you when you finally reach your destination.

With a pitch black heart and an outright flair for originality there isn’t much on this album that steps out of place.  It’s as raw as it is masterfully smooth, and glides between the two with great effect;  strangely enough, counter musical at times such is its obscurity.

A fantastic debut album; I am keeping my eye on this one.


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